Mpumalanga Province Freight Data Bank > Pipelines > Safety & Security

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Rail Cross Border Aviation Industries Pipelines Rail Industries Road Roads Trains Electricity Power Station Middleburg Rail Station
Safety & Security

There are visible improvements in both safety, environment and security measures within the operations and management of the entre unit. Previously and currently in some instances securing the product and facilities is an on-going struggle.

As the infrastructure is inflexible once constructed, a roaming security management plan forms the intelligence of approach. In addition as the product being conveyed or stored can be quite dangerous, safety measures are constantly being revised and compiled for review and monitoring (Steering Committee).

The results from 2009 indicate that safety incidents have decreased from 143 to 109 and security has improved from 87 to 60 incidents. Environmental accidents have also decreased (from 49 to 42) due to the commitment and reinforced measures employed by the unit. Disabling incidents also have a similar trend decreasing from 13 to 4 in 2009.