The agriculture sector incorporates establishments and activities that are primarily engaged in farming activities, but also includes establishments focusing on commercial hunting and game propagation and forestry, logging and fishing.
This sector includes the extracting and beneficiating of minerals occurring naturally, including solids, liquids and crude petroleum and gases. It also includes underground and surface mines, quarries and the operation of oil and gas wells and all supplemental activities for dressing and beneficiating for ores and other crude materials.
This sector is broadly defined as the physical or chemical transformation of materials or compounds into new products.
This sector includes the supply of electricity, gas and hot water, the production, collection and distribution of electricity, the manufacture of gas and distribution of gaseous fuels through mains, supply of steam and hot water, and the collection, purification and distribution of water.
This sector includes the site preparation, building of complete constructions or parts thereof, civil engineering, building installation, building completion and the renting of construction or demolition equipment with operators.
The trade sector entails wholesale and commission trade; retail trade; repair of personal household goods; sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles; hotels, restaurants, bars, canteens, camping sites and other provision of short-stay accommodation.
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