Mpumalanga Province Freight Data Bank > Cross Border > Overview

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Rail Cross Border Aviation Industries Pipelines Rail Industries Road Roads Trains Electricity Power Station Middleburg Rail Station

The Mpumalanga province is a gateway between South Africa and two other countries, Mozambique and Swaziland. The province is linked to Mozambique through the Lebombo port of entry, whilst it is linked to Swaziland through Oshoek - Ngwenya, Waverley - Lundzi, Nerston - Sandlane, Houdkop - Sicunusa, Bothashoop - Gege, Mahamba, Mananga, Jeppe's Reef - Matsamo, and Jossefdal - Bulembu. There is also an international airport, the Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport. This port of entry is discussed under aviation section.

Freight movement was observed through the following port of entries:

  • Lebombo
  • Oshoek
  • Nerston
  • Mahamba
  • Mananga and
  • Jeppe's Reef - Matsamo

For more information about the Mpumalanga Cross Border, go to the MCLI here.

The department of Home Affairs also has provided this information: Ports of Entry