» Vision
The Vision of the Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) is as follows: "striving to excel in good governance and quality infrastructure".
» Mission
» Corporate Values
GSDM | Gert Sibande District Municipality
GSDM is demarcated as D30 as per the Municipal Demarcation Board, and is one of the three (3) District Municipalities that constitute Mpumalanga Province. Map 1 below provides a graphical presentation of Gert Sibande District Municipality. The District Municipality is bordered by Ekurhuleni Metro to the west and Sedibeng District Municipality to the south west respectively both in Gauteng Province, Ehlanzeni District Municipality to the north east and Nkangala District Municipality to the north respectively both in Mpumalanga Province, Amajuba District Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal Province to the south east, and Swaziland to the east.
The transparent, innovative and developmental municipality that improves the quality of life of its people.
» MissionTo provide a transparent and accountable government by rendering affordable and sustainable services and encouraging economic and social development through community participation.
28 Kerk Street
Private Bag X719
Tel: 017 843 1055
Fax: 017 843 1631
Website: http://www.albertluthuli.gov.za
To be a friendly, economically viable place providing a better life for all people, uplifting previously disadvantaged communities to enable them to become important role players in the development of Dipaleseng.
» MissionCnr. Joubert & Stewart Streets
Private Bag X 1005
Tel: 017 773 0055
Fax: 017 773 0169
Website: http://www.gertsibande.co.za
To lead in service delivery and economic development
» MissionChampioning an integrated service delivery and sustainable economic growth with stakeholder involvement
Central Business Area
Town Council
Private Bag X 1017
Tel: 017 620 6000
Fax: 017 634 8019
Website: http://www.govanmbeki.gov.za
To be the leading, people centred municipality excelling in economic growth, development and governance
» MissionCnr Beyers Naude and Mbonani Mayisela Streets
PO Box 66
Tel: 017 712 9600
Fax: 017 712 6808
Website: http://www.lekwamunicipality.org.za
A customer-driven, tranquil and model municipality of excellence.
» MissionThe Mkhondo Municipality is committed to creating an institutional environment geared to provide quality services to all its customers.
Civic Centre
Mark Street
Piet Retief
Private Bag X 1005
Tel: 017 826 2211
Fax: 017 826 0330
Website: http://www.mkhondompu.gov.za
Through its committed people, Msukaligwa will be the best municipal service deliverer and will continually better itself in order to transform and develop the delivery system to meet the challenges of sustainable development and improved well-being.
» MissionWe commit ourselves to:
Cnr Church & Taute Streets
PO Box 48
Tel: 017 801 3500
Fax: 017 819 3210
Website: http://www.msukaligwa.gov.za
Pixley Ka Seme is credible, affordable, well-developed and the best municipality.
» MissionWe will deliver affordable and quality services, in accordance with our IDP. This will be achieved through community participation, trained and motivated staff, rapid economic development and a tourism friendly environment.
Cnr. Joubert & Laingsnek Street
Private Bag X 9011
Tel: + 27 (0)17 734 6100
Fax: +27 (0)86 630 2209
Website: http://pixleykaseme.local.gov.za
Understanding and appreciating population dynamics and growth patterns including distribution is vital to understanding the directions, volume and quantity of goods and services required to meet the needs of the population. This ultimately finds expression in terms of freight goods demanded as well as conveyed from one region of the district to the other.
The Provincial mid-year population estimates for 2006 by Statistics South Africa is 3, 508, 000 for Mpumalanga Province. The population for the GSDM area, therefore accounts for 25.63% of the total population of the Province; the Nkangala District area for 29.09%, and the Ehlanzeni District for the remaining 45.28%. Throughout the Gert Sibande District more than half of the population (52.76%) and nearly two thirds of the households (62.04%) reside in urbanized areas.
An interesting fact to note is that nearly a third of the households (29.67%) reside on farmland, which increases pressure on local municipalities to provide services herein upon reaching agreements with farm owners, which has also proven to be a daunting task in most areas across the country. People residing in rural areas more often do not have ownership where they reside, which in turn disqualifies them from housing subsidies and proper services. A proper study and strategy for formalizing rural settlements is therefore needed within the GSDM, area. The District is home to 985 632 people who constitute 25% of the Mpumalanga Province total population, with an average population density of 30.12 per km2. District's population distribution per Local Municipality is depicted in the table below.
There is a wide range of community facilities and services available within the GSDM.
The focus of the District is not only on the number and spatial distribution of such facilities, but also on the nature and quality of services provided in such facilities to optimise their functionality, and thus accessibility of services by all the communities.
In addition to these facilities, District also adopted the concept of a Thusong Services Centre, formerly Multi Purpose Community Centre, to provide a comprehensive range of services under one roof in an effort to provide all residents in the GSDM area one-stop access to services within their proximity (10 KM).
Table 1: Community facilities in Gert Sibande District Municipality
As per the depiction on the table above there is a fair amount of community facilities distributed across the District, yet. In the light of the increased population and the emanating facility demands that accompany such growth, there is still much that needs to be done so as to ensure equitable distribution of these services and thus meet all the service delivery needs of the local populace.
Key Issues pertaining to Community Facilities include among others the following:
The Disaster Management Act, Act No 57 of 2002 stipulates that Disaster Management Centres be established at National, Provincial and Local government levels. The Act also specifies that an integrated and coordinated Disaster Management Policy Framework and other Disaster Management Plans, focusing on the prevention and reduction of the risks of Disasters, mitigating of the severity of disasters, emergency preparedness, rapid and effective response to Disasters and post-disaster recovery be put in place by all three spheres of government.
According to the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act: Section 84(j)
Fire fighting services serving the area of the District municipality as a whole, which includes:
The District in partnership with its constituent LMs performs the function of planning, monitoring, evaluation of the services and delivery mechanisms within its area through the Disaster Management Forum. Funding is partly provided for some capital and operational needs, training and support for Volunteer cops.
The recent veld fires which caused destabilizing disruption, loss of life and financial implications thereof and the contribution of the traffic related accidents on (specifically along N17) calls for extensive preparation and support across the District.
The Disaster Management Act compels the District and its seven constituent LMs to collectively harness their emergency response during or prior and after the occurrence of disasters.
Table 1: Disaster Management Capacity
During the 2004/2005 financial year, the GSDM has conducted a risk assessment within its area of jurisdiction in order to
ascertain all risks and potential hazards that are likely to happen and may constitute disaster if they are not considered, reduced, mitigated or prevented.
The following are some of the possible and potential hazards which are prevalent within the District
GSDM has and will continue to capacitate its constituent municipalities to harness their ability to cope and be ready to adequately respond and mitigate disaster by donating fire engine trucks and graders for road maintenance. Although the LMs are not fully equipped including in the areas of Human Resources, they try their outmost best to respond timeously to issues such as veld fires, floods, dam failure and road accidents.
The following among others were identified as Key Issues that must be addressed so as to effectively manage, mitigate and prevent disasters:
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